It was the 4th of July

…and I’d been drinking. (Cut a brother some slack – It was my Friday!)

I heard today that Camejo, the Green’s Governor wanna-be has announced he will be on the ballot if the Davis recall goes forward.

Now, my first thought was “what the fuck?!?” But the more I think about it, the more I like the opportunities it lends to The Big Picture.

I should back up and say that I went to a Howard Dean “Meetup” this week. I admit I’m impressed with his campaign’s grasp of technology. Granted, they didn’t do enough to build local community, but they grok swarming and online organizing. It occured to me that if he (Dean) is a way-out-there-liberal then I’m even further into left field. Homeboy isn’t that radical, IMHO. If he’s a leftist then Kerry must be… well, not radical enough for me, in any event. Randy

Beers or no, you don’t get my vote if you don’t understand the technology. Dad’s point is well taken: we won’t beat Bush on the basis of money. Dean’s the only candidate to understand that there are other models available. So I’m faced with Mr. K who doesn’t under technology either, even if he is a little to the left of Dean, and… Dean?

I swear to god…

I don’t want to wait for Clinton 2008 to have some hope, man. That sucks.

Well, it looks like the Recall of the Gray Davis is going to the polls. So now we throw in the prospect of choosing between The Gray-meister and the Notorious G.O.P (AKA Terminator; AKA Schwarzenegger; AKA That Obnoxious Drunk Womanizer; AKA…). Don’t get me wrong – I’m all for drunk leaders who like their women. I mean, who doesn’t like their wine and women? Neverminded. The point is that Homeboy is notorious in Vancouver for his behavior.

In Vancouver. (Which recently won the 2010 Olympic bid, btw. The “blasted Olympics” writes one northern source.)

Now, if someone was notorious for being a drunk and a womanizer in Hollywood, that’s one thing. I mean, with the paparazzies and all anyone with a name can be notorious for something. But in Vancouver you actually have to pinch enough sisters’ asses that it becomes party conversation. And let me tell you, I’ve hear enough stories at Vancouver house parties about the Notorious G.O.P. that I suspect our Northern Sisters will blockade the Peace Arch if they know he’s coming – he seems to have pinched half the film majors in British Columbia!

And he’s a bad tipper.

God bless him, but is that the kind of fellow we want replacing Gray Davis?

Maybe. But he’s a Republican. And we really can’t have that, can we? A Kennedy or Britney Spears, sure. But a Republican?

So then we’re faced with Supporting Gray, chosing the Terminator or…

What’s wrong with voting Green this time? No, Really!

I mean, the entire premise is that a corporate-whoring Democrat is too tied up with Enron, et al to do the right thing. Am I wrong? Obviously going to the Right isn’t going to do any good in that respect. If we want a corporate-whoring working-crushing class warrior we’ve always got Karl Rove’s Boss in D.C… At the same time, we’d rather the Democrats not go into the next campaign in California with Gray hanging about their necks like a dead albatross. And we’d rather they move to the left so that Dean (fucking DEAN!) doesn’t seem like such a radical…

Camejo is a godsend, my friends. Not only does he push the whole Democratic Party to the left (by making the DNC scramble to regain California) but he inserts a fire-wall for the next gubernatorial  lection. The role of the Green Party is to take the blame for the bad economy in the next election without making us suffer through the Republican Governator.

So I’m thinking a campaign is in order…

Thoughts? Who want’s a bumpersticker?

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