How To touchscreen-toggle a virtual keyboard in Linux Mint
A brief tutorial to enable touch-screen toggling of the virtual keyboard in Linux Mint.
A brief tutorial to enable touch-screen toggling of the virtual keyboard in Linux Mint.
If you have a WordPress blog and a Mastodon account, the three things you’re going to want to do are verify your identity, embed toots, and syndicate your blog on the fedirverse. This post briefly describes how to do all three.
A textual comparison between the Terms of Service for DropBox, the Google Drive, and Microsoft SkyDrive, reveals that they are not materially different in the licenses granted, rights claimed or uses permitted.
This is a short HowTo for making a Facebook page and inserting an iFrame from to a website.
Note: SSL became mandatory for page tab apps in October 2011. This post has not been updated.